Beaumont, TX; March 9, 2023 – First floor light fixture removal and second floor electrical work continued during week six of the McFaddin-Ward House electrical upgrade.
Over the course of the week, Oak Grove Restoration Company removed all wall sconces and the majority of the light fixtures on the first floor. The Library’s wall sconces required extreme care to ensure protection of the delicate glass arms and many fragile glass components, some of which were already damaged from decades of use. Upon removal, Oak Grove discovered the sconces appear to have originally been illuminated by gas lighting as they are equipped with a valve to control gas flow and space for gas lines to run through the arms.
Another highlight of the week was the successful removal of the house’s two largest chandeliers, located in the Entrance Hall and Pink Parlor. Oak Grove devised an innovative method to bring the chandeliers down safely utilizing a block and tackle system. First, two people lifted the chandelier by a pole, which relieved tension and allowed it to be unhooked from its support in the ceiling and lowered to rest between two pieces of scaffolding. The crew then used the rope and pulley attached to the hook to raise the freed chandelier and gently lower it to rest on the support cradle.
As light fixtures on the second floor are more difficult to access, each fixture requires the removal of some parts of flooring or ceiling, but electricians from Newtron Electrical Services continue to find creative ways to navigate wiring and preserve the integrity of the home. By the end of the week, wiring of all main light fixtures on the east side of the second floor was complete.